EVO News

EVO is pleased to announce the release of a white paper entitled IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification. This paper represents an overview of advanced measurement and verification (M&V) technical state of the art and current industry activities.

Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) today announced that at their January 7, 2020 meeting, the Board of Directors appointed new officers for the period 2020-21. Mark Lister accepted his nomination and appointment as Chairman of the corporation.

As the global market is moving fast on certification and evaluation of energy demand and consumption, certification bodies want to have the quality of their certification processes confirmed and be recognized as a reference for international certification methodologies.

A protocol for measuring performance is required to recognize the actual benefits of using equipment which performance has been third party certified. EVO announces today the recent release of a new protocol on third-party equipment certification.

EVO is pleased to announce the publication of a revised version of its application guide Uncertainty Assessment for IPMVP (EVO 10100: 1:2019).

EVO’s chairman, Pierre Langlois, is pleased to announce the recent nomination of Dr. Jan Rosenow and Mr. Donald Gilligan as members of the Board of Directors of EVO.

EVO is launching a self-service online test portal for commercial advanced M&V tools (i.e. M&V tools/methods applicable to commercial buildings’ hourly consumption data). The portal is being licensed from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and we caught up with Eliot Crowe, Program Manager at Berkeley Lab.

EVO is pleased to announce it has initiated work to update the International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP). An important part of this revision process includes the creation of a Canadian Annex which will reflect the current Canadian banking and financing practices of financial institutions and energy services companies (ESCOs), among others. This project is made possible by a financial contribution from the Government of Canada’s Department of Natural Resources.

Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) is pleased to announce that the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Committee recently created a sub-committee to address non-routine events (NRE) and non-routine adjustments (NRA).

We remind all users of the IPMVP Core Concepts that an Addendum was published in September 2018. The addendum contains some clarifications regarding the content of sections 6 and 7. The Addendum is available for download in the library to all web subscriber, including free subscriptions.

EVO is pleased to announce the release of a new IPMVP application guide: Measurement & Verification - Issues and Examples, IPMVP EVO 10300: 1:2019. The application guide presents a variety of project types and discusses the key M&V design issues arising from the described situations.

EVO is releasing today its General Guidelines for Projects Submitted by Partners and Project Subcontracting. This new EVO policy has a dual purpose. It first provides a framework for the development of projects which will contribute directly to the mission of EVO and be in line with its strategic plan and priorities as adopted and periodically amended by the board of directors.