In This Issue
Detecting Savings Under 10% Using IPMVP Option C *
A Medição & Verificação no Brasil: as diferenças de aplicação no contexto da iluminação pública
Significant Energy Uses and Their Impacts on Energy Baselines Establishment
November 2020 - M&V Focus Issue # 7
In this issue of M&V Focus, Anna Kelly and Craig Sinnamon propose a paper that analyzes daily and hourly energy efficiency projects using IPMVP Option C methods. They demonstrate that models can identify savings as low as 3 % of facility consumption. Colin Grenville takes us through another exciting case studies where a client decided to install solar PV on its property after an ESCO commissioned other ECMs, and without consideration of the ongoing M&V activity. Saghi Salehi and Maryam Rezaie present a case study of natural gas consumption in a complex of administrative buildings with a single supplier meter to measure the energy consumption of 5 separate facilities and a restaurant. They discuss measurements of uncertainties and statistical errors. Matheus Lage discusses M & V in public lighting in Brazil, focusing on comparing the methodologies used by the Energy Efficiency Program of the National Electric Energy Agency and by Eletrobras. Phil Combs presents the outcome of a recent update of the ANSI C-137.5 standard that provides specifications regarding energy measurement from lighting systems and devices. This standard addresses M&V considerations such as uncertainty, error, precision, and calibration. Finally, Paul Calberg-Ellen and Nathan Lee present French translations of eight articles published in M&V Focus in 2018 and 2019.
Detecting Savings Under 10% Using IPMVP Option C *

By Anna Kelly** and Craig Sinnamon***
ABSTRACT - ComEd’s Virtual Commissioning program relies on whole-building analysis and identifies savings as low as 3% of facility consumption. Utility program requirements frequently cite IPMVP Option C when requiring that whole building modeling should only be used to detect savings greater than 10% of consumption. There is a disconnect between requirements citing IPMVP and what a deeper reading of the protocol can clarify for the user.
A Medição & Verificação no Brasil: as diferenças de aplicação no contexto da iluminação pública

Por Matheus Henrique de Morais Lage*
Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir sobre a metodologia de Medição e Verificação em Iluminação Pública no Brasil, tendo como foco a comparação entre a metodologia utilizada pelo Programa de Eficiência Energética da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL e a metodologia utilizada pelas Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A - Eletrobras. Adicionalmente, pretende-se observar quais as vantagens e desvantagens que cada uma das duas metodologias proporciona em relação aos resultados e precisão dos mesmos e quais as possibilidades de aperfeiçoamento das metodologias poderia ser realizada visando resultados mais satisfatórios.
Significant Energy Uses and Their Impacts on Energy Baselines Establishment

By Saghi Salehi* and Maryam Rezaie**
To accelerate investment in cost-effective Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) has been designed as an alternative financing mechanism where you pay for today's facility upgrades with tomorrow's energy savings without tapping your organization's capital budget. This contracting format is very common in the building sector all over the world.
Estimating Solar PV Export to Grid

By Colin Grenville*
Normally, measurement of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects under the IPMVP is straightforward and Option B is a typical approach using directly metered data for generated electrical kWh. If the PV array is likely to export power to the local power distribution network, then capturing exported kWh is also important. Detailed guidance can be found in the IPMVP Renewables Application Guide, EVO 10200 : 1-2017.
ANSI C137.5 Update

By Phil Combs*, CEM, CMVP
The forthcoming ANSI C137.5 standard will provide specifications regarding energy measurement from lighting systems and devices. This represents a significant opportunity for the EVO and IPMVP community to add more value to lighting retrofit verification while also reducing uncertainty and minimizing time and cost.
Articles M&V Focus en français!

Traductions de Paul Calberg-Ellen et Nathan Lee*
Plusieurs articles publiés dans des parutions antérieures de M&V Focus ont été traduits en français.Ils sont disponibles ici en formaf PDF.