In This Issue
EVO M&V Industry Survey - Some Key Findings
RETSCREEN — A Powerful Tool for M&V
Fronteira de Medição - Parte 1
Perspective on M&V behavioral change programs in commercial and industrial facilities
¿Cuál es la mejor opción del IPMVP? Opción C vs Opción a y 1.500 Mwh de diferencia en ahorro
The Role of Real Time Data in Monitoring & Verification
Coupler le comptage «intelligent» à la M&V
Establishing Measurement Boundaries in M&V Projects - (Part II)
February 2019 - M&V Focus Issue # 4
Following strong demand from our readership, EVO is pleased to present this multilingual issue of M&V Focus. We wish to extend our thanks to the authors who prepared articles in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese (Brazil). As promised in the previous issue, we are presenting some key findings from the global M&V industry survey we conducted in the Fall of 2018. We also present the second part (in English) of the article on measurement boundary by Agenor Garcia and Bruce Rowse and the first part of this article in Portuguese (Brazil). RETScreen Expert is often used to verify energy savings under IPMVP Option C. In his article, Kevin Bourque is showing how RETScreen Expert can also be used for Options A, B and D. At EVO’s request, Eric Mazzi prepared an interesting paper discussing perspectives on M&V for behavioral change programs in commercial and industrial facilities. Eric Oliver discusses the role of real-time data in monitoring and verification. A team of M&V specialists at Dalkia Smart Building in Paris are presenting a case study of an M&V project conducted with non-intrusive load monitoring. Finally, Maria Cubillo offers some insights regarding the selection of an IPMVP option in the context of an M&V project in a hospital in Spain.
EVO M&V Industry Survey - Some Key Findings

In the Fall of 2018, EVO conducted a worldwide industry survey on measurement and verification of energy efficiency projects. The following graphs show key findings from this survey.
RETSCREEN — A Powerful Tool for M&V

By Kevin Bourque*
RETScreen is often used to verify energy savings under IPMVP’s Option C. Did you know that it can also be used for Options A, B and D? Read on to find out how RETScreen offers a full complement of tools for the M&V professional.
Fronteira de Medição - Parte 1

Por Agenor Garcia* e Bruce Rowse**
Este artigo pretende discutir em maior profundidade alguns conceitos sobre fronteiras de medição e como isso afeta o estabelecimento das condições de uso corretas - variáveis independentes, fatores estáticos e efeitos interativos em um projeto de M&V.Começamos revendo as definições do PIMVP (edição dos “Conceitos Básicos” de 2016) que, se não corretamente entendidas, podem levar a diversos problemas. Citamos um caso com a Opção C em um edifício e o exemplo utilizado no curso CMVP para a Opção B – troca de chiller. Para responder à pergunta “o que são, na verdade, as fronteiras de medição?”, examinamos mais dois exemplos, com várias opções de M&V – troca de chiller em um centro comercial e troca de caldeira em instalação industrial.
Perspective on M&V behavioral change programs in commercial and industrial facilities

By Eric Mazzi*
Behavior change1 is growing in importance in multiple fields of resource conservation, including energy savings.2 Perhaps the most common application today of behavioral interventions is through integration into Strategic Energy Management (SEM) programs. Like any interventions intended to produce energy (or peak demand) savings, individuals and organizations rightfully want to know what energy savings have been achieved. That’s where our M&V community comes into play. In this article I share some experience and perspectives on M&V for behavioral programs as applied to commercial and industrial (C&I) facilities. I use examples from M&V of a pilot behavior change program at Atrium Health to illustrate some of the challenges and unique attributes of M&V for behavioral interventions in C&I facilities.3
¿Cuál es la mejor opción del IPMVP? Opción C vs Opción a y 1.500 Mwh de diferencia en ahorro

The Role of Real Time Data in Monitoring & Verification

By Eric Oliver*
The acronym M&V is often used in the energy consulting world to represent two different concepts: “measurement and verification” and “monitoring and verification”. Measurement and verification—measuring energy consumed before and after an energy efficiency upgrade to quantify the actual energy saved from a project—is an important tool in energy upgrade projects, particularly energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs). Many building owners and end users require measurement and verification in ESPCs to verify that the ESCO is achieving savings that they are claiming (and getting paid for).
Coupler le comptage «intelligent» à la M&V

Par Antoine Gubanski, Laura Salez, Christophe Rodriguez et Jean-Benoit Lafond*
Les Contrats de Performance Energétique (CPE) enregistrent en France une forte progression depuis 2013 grâce à l’évolution des règles de la commande publique proposant différents véhicules juridiques et contractuels. Le marché des CPE est donc relativement naissant en France. Le Marché Public Global de Performance (MPGP) ayant pour objet de réaliser des travaux d’efficacité énergétique est la forme dominante aujourd’hui.
Establishing Measurement Boundaries in M&V Projects - (Part II)

By Agenor Garcia* and Bruce Rowse**
This is part II of the article published in the October 2018 issue of M&V Focus.