In This Issue
Advanced Measurement & Verification and IPMVP
M&V nella riqualificazione di edifici pubblici
Aggiustamento dei dati di riferimento
M&V Case Study – Viessmann Italia Headquarters
From meter to the Cloud: approaches and challenges in getting data from remote meters
May 2020 - M&V Focus Issue # 6
The first article of this issue of M&V Focus presents an abstract of the EVO White Paper IPMVP’s Snapshot on Advanced Measurement & Verification. The document discusses some of the issues raised in the context of work conducted by EVO’s subcommittee on M&V 2.0. This work is currently leading the development of two Application Guides: ‘Advanced Meter-Based M&V Methods’ and ‘Non-Routine Events and Non-routine Adjustments.’ In November 2019, EVO’s training partner in Italy, the Federazione Italiana per l’uso Razionale dell’Energia (FIRE), organized a one-day conference on M&V in Rimini. We invited three of the event’s speakers to present a summary of their presentation in this issue of M&V Focus. Alberto Griffa and Armando Portoraro explain how an in-depth analysis of critical factors was fundamental in the replacement of a drying line. Stefano Dotta provides an interesting example of ESCO projects realized under a shared saving scheme with a municipal union. Finally, we asked Marco Rossi to prepare a simple case study of a series of energy conservation measures implemented at a Viessmann office and warehouse. The project M&V was performed using Option C and includes energy exchange with the local electricity grid. Finally, Bruce Rowse describes the many different approaches with which data can be collected from a meter and transferred to the cloud. It introduces to M&V practitioners the widely used Open System Interconnection (OSI) model of computer networks for conceptualizing the functions of the software and hardware used to achieve this.
Advanced Measurement & Verification and IPMVP

By Lia Webster *
(This article is an abstract of the EVO White Paper entitled IPMVP's Snapshot on Advanced Measurement and Verification published in January 2020). In recent years, there has been increased interest in advanced measurement and verification (Advanced M&V) – sometimes referred to as M&V 2.0. Advanced M&V applications are characterized by the use of energy meter data in finer time scales with near real-time access; and the processing capacity of large volumes of data via advanced analytics, to give more accurate and timely feedback on energy performance and savings estimates.
M&V nella riqualificazione di edifici pubblici

di Stephano Dotta *
A partire dal 2015 Environment Park S.p.A. ha partecipato a diversi progetti di Assistenza Tecnica di supporto alle Pubbliche Amministrazioni nell’implementazione dei contratti EPC finalizzati alla riqualificazione energetica di edifici pubblici. Tra i più significativi vi sono il progetto finanziato grazie al programma europeo Intelligent Energy for Europe e denominato “2020 Together”, “Stepping Med” e “PEACE Alps” finanziati rispettivamente dai programmi europei di cooperazione Interreg Mediterranean e Interreg Alpine Space.
Aggiustamento dei dati di riferimento

Ing. Alberto Griffa e Ing. Armando Portoraro *
Per valutare correttamente il risparmio generato da un’Azione di Miglioramento dell’Efficienza Energetica (AMEE) è indispensabile valutare attentamente le condizioni al contorno del progetto, che potrebbero condizionare i consumi energetici durante il periodo di riferimento (prima dell’AMEE) o quello di rendicontazione (dopo l’AMEE). A tal scopo il Protocollo Internazionale di Verifica e Misura delle Prestazioni (IPMVP) nel documento relativo ai “Concetti base” definisce:
- fattori ordinari, i parametri che è previsto che si modifichino durante il periodo di rendicontazione (come gli aspetti metereologici o i volumi di produzione);
- fattori straordinari, i parametri la cui modifica non è attesa durante il periodo di rendicontazione (come le dimensioni dell’impianto/struttura, le caratteristiche progettuali e il funzionamento, il numero di turni di produzione settimanali o il numero o il tipo di occupanti).
M&V Case Study – Viessmann Italia Headquarters

By Marco Rossi * and Marco Memoli **
We use energy in basically every aspect of our modern life. It is a critical component of energy-intensive sites such as foundries, paper mills, or hospitals, for example. But energy also guarantees our quality of life in less energy-consuming buildings such as flats, offices, commercial buildings, stores, warehouses, etc. The present case study reports on the implementation of relatively standard energy conservation measures (ECMs) implemented at the Viessmann Italia headquarters located in via Brennero, 56 Pescantina (VR) Italy. The site includes an office building and a warehouse. In this case study, we elected to present basic M&V concepts in simple terms, so this case study can be shared and easily understood by business owners and policy makers.
From meter to the Cloud: approaches and challenges in getting data from remote meters

By Bruce Rowse *
There is strong demand for metering solutions that incorporate cloud data collection. This is enabled by reductions in the cost of electricity metering and sensing technologies, advances in communication technologies, the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) as a lower cost alternative to traditionally vertically integrated metering solutions, the move to smart metering and interval sub-metering.