In This Issue
Keep Science in the Practice of M&V
The International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP)
June 2023 - M&V Focus - Issue #11
Eric Mazzi encourages M&V stakeholders, such as facility owners, M&V practitioners, and financing organizations, to maintain the integrity of the practice of M&V by continuing to accept and utilize science-based techniques embedded in all M&V protocols. This article is a response to an article published in Issue #10 of M&V Focus, where the author, John Avina, presented an analysis concluding that Cv(RMSE) requirements should be relaxed for Option C regression models. Eric shares that the article builds on the rejection of basic, well-proven scientific methods and principles and that the Cv(RMSE) analysis is introduced and framed using several egregious claims and significant omissions.
EVO published the International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP) in 2009 to bridge the gap between funding sources and their financing of energy efficiency projects. The IEEFP was updated in 2020, and a comprehensive training program for loan and bank officers was successfully piloted in Canada and Mexico. Denis Tanguay presents the context for the redeployment of the IEEFP and its role in providing guidance and expertise for banks and financial institutions to feel comfortable lending money on a cash-flow basis to energy efficiency projects.
The "MPEB" R&D project ran from 2018 to 2021. It brought together many actors in the field of energy performance of buildings in France. In this article, translated from the French version published in Issue #10 of M&V Focus, Paul Calberg-Ellen explains the purpose of the project: to take stock of existing knowledge on measuring the energy performance of buildings, to highlight good practices, and to propose tools for users of energy performance measurement.
As many readers would know, our friend and colleague, Agenor Gomes Pinto Garcia, passed away in February 2023. Agenor was highly active in promoting measurement and verification in Brazil and other Latin American countries and wrote many articles for M&V Focus, sharing his knowledge and expertise. His last contribution to our community was the translation of the IPMVP Core Concepts 2022 into Brazilian Portuguese. Agenor lived a very unusual life. We are pleased to publish a brief biography prepared by Agenor’s family.
Keep Science in the Practice of M&V

By Eric Mazzi *
In Issue #10 of the M&V Focus, an article published by John Avina presents an analysis concluding that Cv(RMSE) requirements should be relaxed for Option C regression models. Avina’s analysis of Cv(RMSE) is introduced and framed using several egregious claims and significant omissions. The effect of accepting these claims, omissions, and conclusions is nothing short of a rejection of basic, well-proven scientific methods and principles. In this article I describe these egregious claims and omissions. My purpose is to encourage M&V stakeholders, such as facility owners, M&V practitioners, and financing organizations to maintain the integrity of the practice of M&V by continuing to accept and utilize science-based practices embedded in all M&V protocols.
The International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP)

By Denis Tanguay *
The successful expansion of energy efficiency projects globally rests upon unlocking funds from private banks and investment funds. But the scaling up of energy efficiency measures, particularly in commercial buildings, requires a sound understanding of financing mechanisms adapted for the private sector. Local banks and financial institutions need more guidance and expertise to feel comfortable lending money on a cash-flow basis to energy efficiency projects. EVO published the International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP) in 2009 to bridge the gap between funding sources and their financing of energy efficiency projects.
New Perspectives Following the MPEB Project

By Paul Calberg-Ellen *
1. Introduction
The "MPEB" R&D project ran from 2018 to 2021. It brought together many actors in the field of energy performance of buildings, in France. It involved design offices, ESCOs, research laboratories, etc. What was the purpose of this project? It was to take stock of existing knowledge on measuring the energy performance of buildings, to highlight good practices, and to propose tools for users of energy performance measurement. In addition to these objectives, one of the important outcomes of this project is the perspective it has provided on certain concepts, particularly in terms of Measurement and Verification.
Tribute to Agenor Gomes Pinto Garcia

Message from the Editor.
In many NGOs, plenty of individuals work behind the scenes but put their talent and skills at play to create tools to help others improve their work performance and share their insights and knowledge. He wrote many articles published in M&V Focus, participated in the design and review of our PMVA and PMVE programs, and inspired all of us with his dedicated participation in EVO’s training committee. His last contribution to our community was the translation of the IPMVP Core Concepts 2022 into Brazilian Portuguese. Agenor passed away earlier this year, and he is missed greatly in the many EVO committees he was active in, particularly the M&V Fundamentals Training Committee. Agenor lived a very unusual life, and his family shared a brief biography that we wish to share in return with our readers today.