EVO is pleased to announce the release of a new protocol, the IPMVP Renewables Application Guide – EVO 10200 – 1:2017. This document includes M&V options for renewable energy systems within the IPMVP framework, and includes examples and recommendations for specific applications. Renewable energy technologies include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, small hydroelectric, ocean thermal, wave and tidal energy.

The document is premium content for EVO paid web subscribers for a period of six months. Click here to see the table of content. Paid subscribers can download the document by login in to their EVO account.

EVO’s IPMVP Committee has undertaken the development and revision of several accompanying Application Guides. This is RENEW COVER the first of a series of guides to be published as complementary documents to the IPMVP Core Concepts 2016.

The Core Concepts 2016 defines the commonly used terminology and guiding principles for applying measurement and verification (M&V). It describes the project framework in which M&V activities take place. It describes the contents and requirements of adherent M&V Plans and saving reports. Finally, it describes the attributes of fully adherent IPMVP projects. The Core Concepts 2016 is now available for download for free to all EVO web subscribers. If you do not have an account yet, you may create one by choosing one of our subscription options.