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  • AFFILIATE with the foremost industry voice of measurement and verification

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Sponsors & Organizational Subscribers

As the world is coming to recognize that energy efficiency is foundational to good environmental management, the importance of proper savings documentation has never been greater. It is certainly in everyone’s interest that predicted savings are achieved and properly reported. Notably:

  • energy users need to have robust methods of verifying achievement of their energy policy objectives, to get or maintain ISO 50001 certification for their management practices;
  • potential purchasers of energy efficiency products or services want to know that their potential purchases have already proven themselves using widely recognized methods;
  • actual purchasers of energy efficiency products or services need feedback on the effectiveness of their purchases, to help them fine tune performance and to inform further purchases;
  • governments and utilities need to know that savings reported from energy efficiency programs are grounded in actual field-measured results following a widely accepted protocol.

Basically, the knowledge that energy savings can be transparently reported is vital to the acceptance of energy efficiency proposals. EVO is the only organization dedicated to provision of tools for this purpose. Over the years, the IPMVP, now in its seventh edition, defines transparency in savings reports, while assembling best practice from around the world.

By their contribution to our protocol development activities, our organizational supporters are shaping the future of M&V and helping government, utilities, regulators and other stakeholders adopt sound policies and regulations. They also help the financial community and contracting parties to manage the risks associated with the financing of energy efficiency and water saving projects.

Becoming an EVO Organizational Supporter allows EVO to do its important work in the field of measurement and verification (M&V). Through your support, EVO can continue to provide our publications free of charge to industry M&V professionals worldwide, ensuring that our information is available to all. Thanks to this support we are in a position to continue developing and improving M&V protocols and other related products and technical guides.

IPMVP’s flexible framework of M&V Options allows practitioners to craft the right M&V Plan for their building or industrial facility, inspiring confidence in those who wish to harvest their financial and/or environmental benefits. Clear definition of terms, and heavy emphasis on consistent and transparent methods are the core precepts of the IPMVP. Though application details are unique to each project, IPMVP’s flexible framework has been successfully applied to all types of energy efficiency techniques, for thousands of projects and programs, large and small, around the world.

EVO’s protocols have historically been provided for free to the M&V community thanks to support received from various organizations. However, as a non-member based, not-for-profit organization, EVO has limited financial resources to fulfill its widely recognized mission.

Organizational supporters’ contributions go towards maintaining the actual portfolio of protocols and educational material. But most importantly, these contributions help design and deploy the next generation of M&V protocols that will continue to be offered for free to in international M&V community.

EVO has recently initiated the deployment of a new strategy which aims at being more present in the marketplace. Through a more business-like approach, we are now in a better position to discuss how your engagement and support to our activities can reflect customized benefits and fit your organization’s needs. The range of benefits is as large as imagination can go and includes public recognition on our website, in our publications and brochure as well as in other media. Benefits could also include customized training sessions, translation of key material, participation in our committees, priority for publication of case studies and research results in our communication platforms, webinar speaking opportunities, sponsorships, web-advertisement, etc.

For information on how you can participate in the EVO Organizational Supporter program, please contact EVO’s Executive Director, Denis Tanguay, at dtanguay@evo-world.org