The goal iof this Committee is promoting the discussion of the importance of M&V when financing EE projects. The IEEFP Committee is composed of EE financing specialists that are developing/updating the International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP) document and training materials. The committee manages IEEFP instructors' mentoring and accreditation and identifies improvements to training material. Members also recommend potential EVO Training Partners.
Livia Miethke Morais chairs the IEEFP Committee and is Senior Sustainable Energy Finance Specialist at BASE, where she develops and implements projects and programmes for financing sustainable energies with multilateral development banks,
Rodrigo Chaparro. Rodrigo is a sustainable energy and climate change mitigation specialist. He has wide experience on risk mitigation instruments for energy investments, financing mechanisms for decarbonization projects, and technical
Ryan J. Beard is a Director on the Credit Investment Team at Hannon Armstrong (NYSE: HASI). He joined Hannon Armstrong in 2020 and is responsible for the company’s federal and state and local government investments.
Alberto Escofet has a strong background in the financial and energy sectors. His expertise lies in investment and corporate financing operations, as well as the promotion, construction, and operation of sustainable infrastructure assets
Senior International Energy Expert with deep subject matter knowledge in performing energy analyses, advising and supporting governments on the development of policies, strategies, design and implementation of Energy Efficiency (EE)
Marco Schiewe is an energy efficiency and sustainable finance expert. Currently, he serves as a Project Director at the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), providing technical and financial assistance for energy efficiency