• SHAPE M&V policy by serving on relevant committees

  • STAY CURRENT on the latest in M&V policy and practices

  • AFFILIATE with the foremost industry voice of measurement and verification

  • NETWORK with leaders in the industry

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  • 2
  • 3
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New Banner 1

New Banner 2

New Banner 3


As an advantage of the EVO-World.org redesign, EVO is now able to offer banner advertising on our site to organizations that are part of the global energy efficiency community and have proven to be of interest to EVO site subscribers and visitors.


As an online advertiser, EVO knows that you are primarily concerned with audience reach—whom are you reaching and what is the likelihood that your ad will be seen?

EVO | Advertising on EVO-World.orgEach month, the EVO web site enjoys visits from over 3,500 evaluation, measurement and verification professionals from around the world, a market that are interested in your organization’s products, services, events, and employment opportunities. Due to the value of the content available on the EVO site, not only do those visitors stay on our site, as exemplified by an incredibly low bounce rate, but each visitor views over eight pages per visit, on average, as seen in the sample Google Analytics from March, 2016. These statistics will improve as we continue to add new features to our site focused on the Measurement and Verification community, Training Partners, and Instructors; and our latest simplified methods for access to our free documents.

In April, EVO will publish the much-anticipated 2016 International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP®) Core Concepts document at which time we expect the visits to EVO-world.org to dramatically increase.


EVO has created options that will help advertisers reach this highly desirable audience through a variety of packages and budgets of varying timeframes. The pages upon which we offer advertising opportunities provide the optimum exposure in terms of the frequency in which they are viewed and the time spent on the page.

Ad spots are shared, except as indicated below, through random rotation. Ad costs are presented on a monthly basis, for a minimum of three (3) months, and a discounted monthly price for a one-year commitment. Other discounts are available by selecting inclusion on multiple pages. Pricing assumes that the same ad will be used for the duration of the commitment.

EVO uses the sponsorship model, which allows the advertiser to limit monthly advertising costs. This type of advertising is billed in advance, based upon the position and the pages selected for display.

Banner Type  Location Size (pixels)  Duration  Price per Month
 Rotating Header (exclusive) Home Page 1920 x 680   Three months  $1,500.00
 Latest News Sponsor (rotating*) Home Page 345 x 345  Three months  500.00
 Internal Page Sponsor (rotating*) One (1) Secondary Page of Choice** 332 x 996  Three months  300.00

 *Limited to 5 advertisers per rotation
**Secondary Page of Choice can include any page except Featured CMVPs, Board of Directors, Training Partners, and Contact Us

Submitted banner ads should be created at the size listed above and at 72dpi.


There are three primary banner locations available for ad spots on the EVO site:


 EVO | Advertising - Rotating Header  EVO | Advertising - Latest News Sponsor EVO | Advertising - Internal Page Sponsor 


Located on the home page, EVO will use your choice of background image, your specific message, and a link to your site.

Only one EXCLUSIVE advertiser per month, and limited to one month at a time. 


Located on the home page and shared with up to five other advertisers. Link to your preferred site location.

Minimum 3-month period. Additional fee for loading new ad. 


Located on any secondary page and shared with up to five other advertisers. Link to your preferred site location.

Minimum 3-month period. Additional fee for loading new ad.

Cannot include Featured CMVPs, Board of Directors, and Contact Us.



EVO can prepare ads through our design partner for advertisers for a charge of $65.00 per banner, including up to two proofs. If additional proofs are required, additional fees will apply. This pricing also assumes that the advertiser has all elements required to construct the ad, such as logo, images, and copy to appear on the ad.

If advertisers do not have a reliable means of measuring traffic to their site, EVO can provide a monthly report showing monthly impressions (views) and click-throughs for an additional fee of $25.00 per month.


Designed to provide guidelines for advertising on the site, the Advertising Policy also provides legal statements and limitations. The final policy is a required read for all advertisers prior to their contract acceptance.

Questions? Contact  subscribe@evo-world.org


EVO strictly prohibits the delivery of spyware on its site. A partial definition of spyware is a software-based trigger or program that monitors a computer’s usage, sends information about the computer usage to a remote computer or server displays, or causes to be displayed an advertisement in response to the computer's usage without the knowledge or approval of the user. 

Format & Design Guidelines

EVO expects delivery of graphic files in JPG or PNG format. Animated GIF or Flash files are not acceptable. EVO can provide ad design services for a fee. 

Placement Options

Ads may be purchased on a sponsorship basis, meaning by location and or package for a specified period of time. Placements are limited to five (5) advertisers in a rotation and are first come, first served.

Changes of Policy

EVO reserves the right to change, amend or eliminate advertising policies with 30 days advance notice. Submitting an advertisement for publication represents the advertiser's agreement to abide by the policies of EVO. 

Identification and Indemnification

Advertisers who purchase ad spots from EVO on our web site must have either the company's registered URL or name in one of the frames of the ad. Under no circumstances do we accept advertising without identifying the company. The advertiser agrees that it is responsible to third parties for the content of advertisements placed. In the event that EVO becomes liable to any third party as a result of an advertisement, the advertiser agrees to indemnify any or all of them for damages owed to the third party and for the fees and costs associated with the controversy. 

Payment Terms

All advertising must be paid in advance. Payments will be credited to the oldest outstanding balance first. Cash discounts are not available. By purchasing an ad spot, the advertiser agrees that they guarantee payment for the minimum period for the specific ad space.

Publisher's Rights

All advertising is subject to approval from EVO regarding subject matter, form size, wording, illustrations, animation and typography. The publishers reserve the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement at any time, before or after placement. EVO does not accept online advertising for any material not suitable for our viewers. Ads received that are not in harmony with the site may be removed or a redesign requested.

Site Aggregators

EVO reserves the right to review all potential advertisers' web sites at any time, before or after placement, to determine whether they are deemed "site aggregators." Generally, a site aggregator is viewed as a site that acts as a portal/destination site containing content and advertising from multiple entities. EVO reserves the right to reject advertising that is deemed competitive or contrary to the best interests of EVO.

The Efficiency Valuation Organization®, home of the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol®, is a registered 501C3 non- profit, under the laws of the District of Columbia.