You can test your knowledge on introductory statistics with this short quiz.
- Assuming a normal distribution, to get the expanded uncertainty to a 95% confidence level from the standard uncertainty, I have to multiply by approximatively :
- 1,6
- 2
- 3
- Which of these sentences is correct?
- The confidence interval is 95 to 105 MWh with a 95% confidence level
- The confidence level is 95 to 105 MWh with 95% confidence interval
- A normal distribution has a shape of:
- A triangle
- A straight horizontal line slot
- A bell
- Which of the following are true, regarding mean and RMSE:
- The units are the same
- I can calculate them with a spreadsheet
- They are used to get information about data spread
Answers: 1) b; 2) a; 3) c; 4) a,b