Q: I am an Electrical Engineer CMVP: 4112 and I have doubts about the methodology to be used to measure lighting systems in public buildings in this pandemic period. Some public buildings are not functioning, others with reduced workload, however, the lamps are already being replaced. In a scenario prior to the pandemic, Option A was used: measurement of the key parameter: power, and estimated (through measurement) the time of use. How shall we proceed?

A: Option A with the key parameter measurement of lighting fixture wattage is still a valid M&V Option for lighting system upgrade projects even in the pandemic world and situation we are experiencing. Hopefully the baseline fixture wattages were measured before the fixtures/lamps were replaced to properly document the baseline conditions - along with the measurement of the post-installation fixture wattages to determine the measured performance and determine the savings. The issue raised by the Covid situation puts much uncertainty and variability into the operating hours as you noted. How to properly handle this is a function of the purpose of the M&V for your particular project and contract. For example, for a Performance Contract, the variation in the operating hours and the associated impact on reported savings would be handled based on the contract details and agreements between the owner and the ESCO regarding the Covid impact on operating hours which are beyond the ESCOs control. For other project types, the same logic would need to be applied and agreed to between the stakeholders to determine how to best handle the variation in the operating hours, from baseline, proposed and actual conditions, for savings reporting purposes - for both the short term Covid scenario as well as the long term post-Covid situation.