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This moderated forum is for individuals and organizations interested in measurement and verification (M&V) of energy and water savings. The purpose is to provide a public space to discuss the role of M&V from different perspectives but definitely with a strong bias towards policy and financial topics.

The EVO Blog is the place to debate and challenge existing concepts and to discuss new ideas. We want this blog to be engaging and informative.

The EVO Blog complements our popular online magazine, M&V Focus, which presents technical articles and extended case studies.

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Should we expand the IPMVP to include GHG emissions calculations?

(Haga clic aquí para una versión en español.)

For many years, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions accounting was helpful to show how and if governments and organizations met – or not – their national or corporate environmental goals and objectives. These reductions were seen mainly as the logical outcome of policies and government interventions for most laypersons. Not much more.

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  4868 Hits

COVID Renders Traditional M&V More Relevant than Ever

Some have suggested that COVID-19 destroyed the foundation of traditional measurement and verification (M&V) methodologies as codified in the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). This simplistic but oddly compelling marketing claim is misleading.

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  4214 Hits

Energy Efficiency Financing: Risks and Mitigation Strategies

In general, energy efficiency projects utilize proven, well-understood, and commercially available technologies. With very few exceptions, they do not involve technology development risks. In theory, this reduces the risks of financing an energy efficiency project (EEP).

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  4362 Hits

Site-Specific Measurement and Verification: neither Complex nor Expensive

The need to assess utility and government energy efficiency programs' performance accelerated the emergence of M&V methods. However, in this context, the "M&V" notions are often more in line with monitoring performances than measuring performances.

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  4200 Hits