• SHAPE M&V policy by serving on relevant committees

  • STAY CURRENT on the latest in M&V policy and practices

  • AFFILIATE with the foremost industry voice of measurement and verification

  • NETWORK with leaders in the industry

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EVO continues to owe its success to the volunteer effort that began with the creation of the first IPMVP Committee in 1995. Since then, we have experienced tremendous growth and acceptance around the world. Our website receives close to 100,000 hits each year and more than 5000 copies of EVO publications are downloaded.

Volunteers from around the globe have devoted approximately 20,000 hours to the development of the IPMVP, and contributed volunteer services worth over $3,000,000. Individuals from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, France, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States, have all contributed to the development of the IPMVP.


The Executive Committee is composed of EVO’s elected officers. These individuals are empowered to act on behalf of the Board of Directos when the Board is not in session. The Executive Committee also works with EVO staff to provide guidance in between Board meetings.

View Committe Members

The IPMVP Committee, a voluntary effort originally formed in 1995, serves to help promote and maintain the IPMVP Core Concepts and supporting reference materials on an ongoing basis. These volunteers from around the world devote their time and exchange ideas to further the development of the IPMVP, and continuously update the library of standardized protocols, references and tools to represent Measurement & Verification best-practices.

The Training Committee (TC) provides standard processes for mentoring of training programs and for approval of training material from an educational perspective.  It runs webinars and other educational activities for EVO subscribers. The TC receives reports from the M&V Fundamentals and the IPMVP, the IEEFP/Finance, the Advanced&Thematic Committees, and the Instructors Review Group.

Chair: Daniele Forni

The M&V Fundamentals Committee is composed of EVO Approved Instructors that teach the Introductory to M&V and the  M&V Fundamentals and the IPMVP for Energy Managers courses  that develop/update these courses' training materials. The committee also manages L2, and L3A instructors mentoring and accreditation. Members also recommend potential EVO Training Partners.  


Chair: Lia Webster

This committee is composed of experts that are developing/updating Advanced and Thematic courses training materials. The committee manages Advanced and thematic instructors’ mentoring and accreditation and identifies improvements to training material. Members recommend potential EVO Training Partners.  

Chair: Livia Miethke Morais

The goal iof this Committee is promoting the discussion of the importance of M&V when financing EE projects. The IEEFP Committee is composed of EE financing specialists that are developing/updating the International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP) document and training materials. The committee manages IEEFP instructors' mentoring and accreditation and identifies improvements to training material. Members also recommend potential EVO Training Partners.